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Fantastic PC/ FR / LR pony

11.2hh 10yo Welsh section A chestnut gelding Fantastic children’s pony, Bobby does it all, from looking after kids on the lead rein to jumping courses and doing dressage tests. Bobby is happy to step up or down to suit rider. Bobby is a very smart pony and moves well. He has good conformation, and works in a nice frame. He has competed in showing classes including sunshine tour at Hickstead (stayed overnight) doing both in hand and LR classes. He also has done the TSR amateur champs at Stoneleigh. Bobby has also competed in dressage including pony club mini champs, where he gained a score of 67.75%. He has also taken part in the BD inter county challenge training at Intro level. He has done all pony club activities including camp, xc, mounted games, picnic hacks etc. He has done Showjumping to 50cm with owners, with myself he has jumped both SJ and XC fences to 60cm. Great out hacking, good in traffic. Good in open spaces. Both with others and alone. To ride he responds nicely off the leg with good breaks and a soft mouth. Has taken current nervous kid from LR to riding and competing off the lead rein. With a less confident child just coming off the lead rein he can slow down near the gate, but with a child who will put there leg on he won’t do it. Good to do on the ground, good for small children to handle. Good to load, for the farrier and dentist. No history or Lami, lameness or colic. Seen at livery. History known, was sold by myself to current home via sales livery in Sept 2023 after being in his home prior to that for 5 years, now sadly outgrown, ready to teach the next little jockey!
  • 10yrs
  • 11.2hh
  • Gelding
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